The Wreck-Em
Review Date: 11 February 2017
Reviewed by:
Storm/Roto Grip staffer John Brockland
Style: Stroker Rev Rate: 280-310
PAP: 5.5" over and 1" up
The WRECKER for me was a fantastic, up the track, award score producer around the STL. One of my all-time favorites. With a relaxed hand position I could get it to just tumble forward (rather than hook sideways). That’s a perfect recipe for me on house shots. I remember that fresh out of the box in a doubles tourney, it produced an 8-game set of 2091, including two 300’s, and left me with no doubt about it’s place in my arsenal at the time.
The downside of the WRECKER for me was that, except
for a 704 singles set from around 20-board at the
2013 USBC Open Championships, it was not a ball I
could ever get deep into the lane with.
The deeper I had to go, the more ring tens
and then flat tens I’d leave with it.
around the same NeutronTM core as the
WRECKER, the WRECK-EM is wrapped with Roto Grip’s
PumpedTM Pearl Reactive coverstock.
This has continued to provide me what I saw
from the original, but with an extra amount of back
end motion strength.
With a little weaker hand position it lets me
stay around the track area on most STL hooking house
shots and take advantage of good entry angle for
good carry. It
produced a solid 257, 278, 278 = 813 subbing shortly
after I drilled it!
When need be – as was the case this year’s
New Year’s Day 10-gamer – it also allowed me to
migrate as far left as fifth arrow the last game.
It still faced up and carried well enough to
get me a solid 247 finish that game.
For mine, I chose a pin over the bridge layout that
is pretty standard for me (50 x 5.25 x 40).
The CG is mismarked by just a smidge so it is
static legal as is, even though it looks like it
wouldn’t be.
Box finish on the WRECK-EM is the typical
1500-grit polish.
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